Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ch.9-I Know Who You Like!

1,000 pageviews! 
Only on Ch.9 I feel so good!!!(Just got to Ch.18 on my other and also just hit 1,000)
Sorry its been awhile guys! I do plan on making this one more than 20 pics :)
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I worked on finding the potion for the imaginary friend, so far i'd found a stink potion. 
And what might you do with a stink potion?
Keep it as far away from the kids as I can!
  I will be right back
Hey Angel
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That didn't go as planned, talk to your mom she knows who you are.
Hey Georgia, I talked to your daughter.
My poor child!
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'Oh sweetie," She said and hugged her daughter,"That was Carissa. She's ok, some of the time. I hate to admit it, but she's kinda helpful."
Did you all hear that?I, Carissa, am helpful!?
"Shut up and let us talk!"
My lips are sealed
You confuse. "me anyway, lets talk sweetie."
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Fine, I'll check on the teens. Its Prom time!
"I can't believe moms making me go! I don't even have a date!! This stinks"
Not my fault you don't have a date, lets check on Colten.
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"I don't wanna go!!"
Well thats an attractive face.......maybe Charlotte wants to go?
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"I wonder of Bret will dance with me? Will I get prom queen? Does this dress look good?"
Just Maaaaaaaaaaaaavulous darling!
(((((So I accidentally deleted the note in my ipod that had what happened while they were at prom (And what Georgia was doing) so bare with me here :))))))))))))
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*Sobs* My babies all grown up!
"First off, they aint yo babies, and second, they still teens.
Fine *Sobs* they look so beautiful!
I will agree on that one.
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Both the girls had a really fun time. Despite what Violet thought,  she had a great time and told me she danced with Connor ;)
Charlotte did see Bret and had a really fun time.
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Colten went and danced with a couple girls, but didn't enjoy himself.
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Colten and Charlotte didn't make it to a Taxi on time and had to be escorted home by the police.
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When they got home, Colten and Charlotte waited to be punished but Charlotte passed out before Dan could get to her.
Violet-That was so awesome!! i feel like waving this thing around and clapping!!
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"Ahh!! What are these sparkles??"
How have you not figured it out?
"What is this weird feeling?"
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*giggles* It tickles!
I'm growing up!
Good job.
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While she figured it all out, Dan had a word with Colten while Charlotte pretended to have nothing to do with it.
Dan-"I told you to come home right away!"
Colten-Its the sim police that is stupid!"
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And Violet grew up! She got the genius trait.
Georgia-"What? Im trying to sleep!"
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((I've figured out her favorite outfit, this lovely bathing suit. And I've noticed Dan always in his PJ's))))
"Oh sweet heart, your gorgeous! You be careful with the boys!"
Violet-"oh mom!"
"Oh my babies all grown! I remember when you used to pee in your diaper."
'Lovely memory mom......"
Oh just look at you! Getting all emotional, Miss."This stinks, I wont enjoy this"
Grow up Carissa.
if I could grow up into a adult right now with testingcheatsenabled true, I would totally do that.
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Things went back to normal, my kids trying to take care of their needs. Almost all of my kids were in the red zone((Still haven't bought new beds yet)), trying to eat, shower,  and sleep. They do all that while I try to fix and clean everything in the house.
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oooooooooooooh, Angel your parents are mad at each other!
What do you mean?
Shes not sleeping with him and they haven't..........nevermind.
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OMG thats disgusting, I don't need to know that!
I need to think before I speak.
Yeah,  I know what you ate today and  who you like.
*sigh of relief* Good you scared me for a second. I love him by the way.
Before we knew, it was Josephs birthday.((I've been changing age setting a lot so hopefully it didn't mess things up but when I change to the new age it will stay like that))
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"WOO-HOO! I am going to be a teen!'
Man did he ketch some air!
Georgia,"how many times have I told you not to jump in puddles in the house!"
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((Hello Violet!))
He turned into a handsome young man! he got the evil trait............great.......just great!
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Funny Sim Story. Even though I have high will up, they don't seem to do much unless I tell them. So I told Angel to go to bed. I see the pass out thing pop up but she gets into bed and falls alseep. Of course the pass out cancels actions so it canceled the sleep action. She got up, and passed out right next to the bed. Sim Logic lol :)
Thats as far as I've gotten in the game :) Hope you guys enjoy it!
God Bless!


  1. Awww C: Violet is such a beauty!
    And Charlotte too ^^ Can I just steal all of your children to use in my challenge? XD Just kidding.
    Joseph aged wonderfully! He's a stud. 8)
    Great update Carissa :D

    1. I don't want her to leave!
      If you see a child you want just holler :)
      I love the kids I'm getting out of them :D
      Thanks :)

  2. Violet is such a stunner! I love her lip shape. Of all the things to comment on but it's true, it's really nice. :)
    Charlotte looks like she'll be a stunner too and Jo aged up really well. A household full of cuties! :P
    I wonder what'll happen next. o.o

    1. I had to go look at her lips :P yeah they are awesome!!
      Thanks :) I love having hot/cute people to look at while I play lol
      Me to o.o
      (I do take some family pictures :)

    2. See I wish I had that, yet I chose to do a prettacy. >.> I just played through and I got quads. o.o Interesting looking babies to say the least. Maybe I should just have a save purely to breed beautiful sims to state my thirst for all the prettiness. lol

    3. Lol :P
      Look at this way, when you get done with the legacy and they are all pretty, you'll be able to say. "I made you pretty out of ugly!" you'll feel so much better than making a sim out of beautiful!(( i think lol :P)
